Our game is starting
Yes I'm talking to you.
You have to read carefully and follow the instructions.
Here there are your rules:
- In every post there is one riddle, you have to solve it to move on
- Once you have the solution just post it as comment under the post itself and I will give u few letters and number
- You have to write down the letters and numbers I give you and keep for the final round
- Once you are done with one post you can move on with the next one
- If you make a mistake in your reply, don't worry! You can try more than once....
- Don't cheat to solve the brain-teasers. So please don't use Internet to look for the solutions.
So take a pencil and a paper because we are almost ready!
Enjoy your time and...
Enjoy your time and...
PS Confirm that you read carefully this post by commeting here as well
PS Confirm that you read carefully this post by commeting here as well
Yes.. I read all :)
RispondiEliminaok write down ur first hint....letters & numbers :
now u can move on...