venerdì 8 novembre 2013


Our game is starting 

Yes I'm talking to you.

You have to read carefully and follow the instructions.


Here there are your rules:
  1. In every post there is one riddle, you have to solve it to move on
  2. Once you have the solution just post it as comment under the post itself and I will give u few letters and number
  3.  You have to write down the letters and numbers I give you and keep for the final round
  4. Once you are done with one post you can move on with the next one
  5. If you make a mistake in your reply, don't worry! You can try more than once.... 
  6. Don't cheat to solve the brain-teasers. So please don't use Internet to look for the solutions.

So take a pencil and a paper because we are almost ready!
Enjoy your time and...

  PS Confirm that you read carefully this post by commeting here as well

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